
                                                   The Backstory of the Green Arrow                                                                     [Tv Series] Five years ago  Oliver Queen , And his father Robert  Queen were on a yacht called Queens Gambit, and have shipwrecked in the North China Sea due to a category one storm. The People who were in Queens Gambit during the storm were Oliver Queen, Robert Queen Sara Lance , who played a very important role throughout the series and the captain who was also on the ship. Oliver Queen, Robert Queen and the captain were stranded on a life boat for several days then suddenly while Oliver was asleep Robert grabbed the gun woke Oliver up shot the captain and himself so Oliver can survive. Later on Oliver woke up on a remote,  hostile island in the North China Sea called Lian Yu, Five years later he returns home to Starling City to fight crime and corruption as a secret vigilante whose a weapon of choice is a bow and  arrow . To
                                                                Welcome Everyone! Welcome to my profile...Im 14, I like watching ''The Flash, Arrow and im most definetly a Sonic fan''. Ill Probably be posting allot about those things or something simple like a poem, story or possibly a song. I'm just starting blogging for the first time so it is a new experience for me, but luckily i know a bit about blogging. So Stay Tuned For More!! @_Anthony_Official__